Dr. James E. “Gene” Priest was a beloved preacher and teacher of God’s Holy Word – a Bible scholar in the truest sense of the word. Prior to his death, he donated all his books, notes, sermons, and other writings to StudyJesus.com. We discovered a small notebook of drawings by the mother of his life-long friend, Dr. William Harrison. Also in that notebook was a personal letter from Harrison addressed to Dr. Priest. Here is a part of that letter: “Before mother died and while serving the Lord on foreign soil, she wrote several letters of encouragement. Sometimes she would include within her letter a poem or drawing – always relating to God’s Word. As you know, mother and dad were not rich by the world’s standard, but they both left a loving and spiritual legacy. This small collection of mother’s drawings represents a portion of her legacy and it’s dedicated to you primarily because mother and dad greatly loved and deeply respected you for taking me, as a youngster, into your heart and spending countless hours instilling within me the knowledge of how and the desire to study the Holy Word of God.”

We at StudyJesus.com hope that one preacher, teacher and/or student of God’s Holy Word may find a use for one or more of these drawings and be encouraged in Christ. Perhaps this mother’s legacy can be a part of your legacy, too.


The Divine Man
The Spread of God’s Kingdom
A Sinner Saved By Grace
Love of God
Our Work Today
Measuring Men
Jesus Offered More Than Was Asked
Follow Me
“Thy Sins Are Forgiven Thee”
A Message of Mercy
The New Birth
The Water of Life
Living Water
Acceptable Worship
Wheat and Tares
We Are Witnesses
The Cost of Being, Doing Right
The Two Crowns
All for Jesus
The Seed
Forgive Us As We Forgive
The Blind Beggar
The Shepherd and the Sheep
The Harvest
Preaching vs. Practicing
Be Ready
Earthly – Eternal
Kingdom of Heaven
Christ the Boy
Christ’s Outstretched Hand
The True Bread
Lord, Help Me
His Own
A Healing, Helping Hand
A Christian’s Aim
In Times of Trouble
“This Is My Beloved Son”
Judge Not
Life Triumphant
View From a Prison Window
An Example for Us
Word and Works
The Invitation
Far From His Father’s Home
The Lost Found
Away From Home – Returning Home
My Neighbor
God’s Steward
“I Stand At the Door and Knock”
Preparation for Heaven
Ten Cleansed
Faith Exemplified
Ways That Seem Right
Trust Not In Riches
Jesus Christ
Wise Men
Unto You Is Born

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