Romans – A Treatise
Chapter Sixteen

Scripture Reading: verses 25-27

In this benediction, Paul indicates that this mystery, which is announced in his Gospel, is now made manifest. But, in order to assure that what he administered was in no way contrary to, or in conflict with, other parts of Scripture, he says here: “And by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith.” In other words, Christianity, as Paul presents it in all its fullness, is not in contradiction to Hebrew Bible truths. As the ultimate in His purpose, God had the fullness of Christianity before Him when He first took up to bless the human race. As the sun in the heavens outshines and eclipses the stars at sunrise, so the outshining of God’s purposes in “Christ and the church” is a bright glorious orb that totally eclipses all the lesser lights of the ages. Moreover, the lesser lights are like the morning star which is the harbinger of the rising sun. From Adam onward, we have a multitude of remarkable men shining in the firmament of God’s dealings, and they are all types of the Lord Jesus Christ. In miniature they are each an outshining of some spiritual feature which finds its fullness in the Lord Jesus. Thus, the prophets point forward to the coming of Christ our Lord, and the truth of the mystery, as it is made known to us, is largely hidden under the surface in the Hebrew Bible.

For instance, that part of the mystery relating to the bride and bridegroom in Ephesians 5, the unity of Christ and the Church, came out in Adam and Eve. “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh” was Adam’s exclamation when Eve was brought to him as a helpmeet. Then the truth of the mystery as found in Ephesians 1, i.e., that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Center of God’s universe of bliss and all things are gathered together in Him, is illustrated in the first chapter of Genesis, where the sun is not only the brightest light in the universe but it rules the universe. The sun ruled the day, and everything that had life was dependent on the sun. Thus, we learn much from the writings of the Hebrew Bible which will not in any sense conflict with Paul’s Gospel, but it rather enhances and gives us many beautiful features concerning it that we might not otherwise learn.

Then, lest we might think it was an afterthought on God’s part to bring in this great mystery of Christ and the Church, Paul says it was “according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith.” This has all been devised in eternity and He who is changeless and eternal has worked it out after the counsel of His own will. This truth brings assurance to the human heart. God does not work in the same fashion as men. When men set forth to accomplish something, they try one way, and if that fails, then they try another way. If persistent enough they may reach final accomplishment. With God it is totally different. The everlasting God sets out to do things He devised before He laid the foundation of the world, and in every atom of circumstance from that day to this, He has moved forward according to plan. God has never been frustrated. When He does something that is a matter of vital creative power, He does it forever.

We are not speaking of certain regulations that God inaugurated for certain circumstances, the use of which passed when these circurnstances were over. The Mosaic law was given in that way. It was “our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ,” and when we come to Christ we are no longer lawkeepers, we are under grace. Thus, the person who keeps the Sabbath day, Saturday, is going away from Christ; going back under law. It is a retrogression. But anything God does vitally by creative power remains forever, and it is within the realm of a forward moving scheme, of which the Lord Jesus Christ and the universe of blessing surrounding Him is definitely the object. That is one reason we find it difficult to understand why anyone would turn away from Jesus Christ, after being born again and coming to know the sacrifice He made on Calvery to wash away sin. But there is always hope because our God will never give up on any of us. Thus the Scripture says, “He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”

This vast scheme and plan of blessing which Paul calls “the mystery” was according to the everlasting God. It may not fit in with man’s theorizings or opinions, but the eternal God devised it, and He made it known to all nations for the obedience of faith. In other words, we must accept it by obedient faith if we are going to come into its blessing. Notice again the very important expression, “the obedience of faith.” We underestimate faith in these days. Some people think faith is just believing a verse in the Bible, or giving assent to the fact that Christ died on the Cross. Obedience and faith are linked together, and the vitality of faith is made evident in obedience. That is why James says faith without works is dead. In other words, if we profess faith, and do not lead a righteous life in keeping with our faith, then our faith is dead.

The great truth of Paul’s Gospel is presented for the obedience of faith, and it comes to us regardless of race or nationality. So Paul concludes this wonderful Epistle, “To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen.” Here we touch God’s wisdom, and the solemn words spoken by Paul in the early part of this Epistle must come true, “Let God be true, but every man a liar.” In other words, if what we say, think or do does not correspond to the will of God, then we are untrue; for God is only wise, and glory must accrue to His Name, not only in time, but for all eternity; and that glory will be through Jesus Christ forever. The true believer rejoices in this. The unbeliever should tremble before its contemplation.

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