In His Name Devotionals

“But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)

Have you ever pondered the question, why does God ask questions? It seems so meaningless in so many ways. Doesn’t He know everything anyway? We ask questions because we don’t understand or we are confused. Maybe we are trying to be polite and show that we are interested but this hardly seems to fit when it comes to God. May I suggest a possible solution to this puzzler? Perhaps God questions to cause us to think about the situation we are in.

When God asked Adam where he was in Genesis 3:9 He wanted Adam to think about why he felt the need to hide from God. The answer is simple, Adam tried to hide because he knew he had sinned and was ashamed. Could it be possible that God could be asking us the same question and if He did would we be forced to come to grips with the reality of our own sins?

When Adam replied in verse 10, that he was hiding because he was naked, God then asked, “Who told you you were naked?” In other words, think about what got you in the spot you are currently in. Are you there because you are being led by the wrong voices and shouldn’t you ask yourself the question, did this come from God? Am I being led by God or Satan.

The third question is the clincher as God asked, “Have you eaten from the tree I commanded you not to eat from?” Think about it, Adam, you are disobeying the One who made you and loves you. The one who cares for you, and perhaps more importantly, the only who can save you from being lost eternally.

Perhaps we should think about the questions that God might ask of us and be wise enough to gain the benefit of the inter reflection the answers bring to mind. The first sin and all others that have followed have caused mankind to try to hide from God but to no avail.

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