In His Name Devotionals

“The Lord is in his holy temple, Let all the earth keep silence before him.” (Hab. 2:20)

You may be facing some dark hours right now and the clouds, despairing at times, seem to threaten to close out the light that shines so brightly from your eternal soul. You should not let this happen, for you must remember dark hours come into the lives of all of us. One great comfort is to know that the same God who helped us before is willing to help us once more. All that God asks of us is that we truly believe—that we refuse to let anything shut Him out of our lives.

While God will not instantly turn our dark hours into sunshine, He will give us the strength to walk on in the darkest despair, until we reach a brighter tomorrow. We cannot do this on our own, God will help us through. There are times when we might want to give up, but faith leads us to God for strength.

Never begin a day without first putting your life in God’s hands, and looking into his face and asking for strength and guidance through the day. Start each day by saying, “Good morning God” and always remember:

Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain,
Laughter and teardrops, pleasure and pain.
Low tides and high tides, mountains and plains,
Triumphs, defeats and losses and gain.
But there never was a cloud that the sun didn’t shine through
And there is nothing that is impossible for Jesus Christ to do.

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