In His Name Devotionals

“You shall not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:14 NKJV)

Happy wedding guests will seldom think of the sixth commandment at a marriage. Yet, in many marriage services, there is a warning against adultery. It is in the usual question, “wilt thou love her/him—forsaking all others, keep yourself only for her/him, so long as ye shall live?”

God created marriage in making husband and wife attract each other in love. But, He also knew that the devil would use this natural attraction to tempt everyone. God therefore protects marriage by the commandment to purity.

Today many are careless in observing purity in relations with others, both in word and deed. Passion is not impure in itself. It easily leads to impurity. Adultery is still wrong. Many today forget this. Some call this truth old-fashioned. But be that as it may, purity still brings the happiest marriages.

“Lord, who at Cana’s wedding feast didst as a guest appear,
For holy Thou indeed dost prove the marriage vow to be,
Proclaiming it a type of love between the church and Thee.”

Pray that God will strengthen you and keep your thoughts pure, lest your acts lead to impurity. It is so easy to compromise and follow the crowd. Ask God to deliver you from evil when you are weak and help you be strong.

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