In His Name Devotionals

“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

Once during a home Bible study this question was asked, “Why did Jesus have to die?” A child raised his hand and said, “So the little lambs won’t have to die.” The Bible speaks often of sacrifices in which a lamb was offered for the sins of the people. The mind of a little child could see poor lambs slain in the Old Testament period, but not in the New. Christ had died instead.

Out of the mouths of children often come wonderful truths. We are the sheep of His pasture, and we are the lambs of His fold. Sure enough Christ died so the little lambs could live—“so the little lambs won’t have to die.”

It is this vivid picture of the Christ who died in our place that drives Christians on, at home or abroad in spite of difficult situations. We want all men to know of His love, His provision for salvation and His joy and peace.

“O thou whose feet have climbed life’s hill,
And trod the path of youth,
Our Savior and our brother still,
Now lead us into truth.”

Pray we never forget that Jesus Christ loved so much that He died in our place, suffering on that terrible cross beyond our ability to comprehend. This great love should cause us to burn inside with an overwhelming desire to follow Him, seek out and lead the lost and burdened lambs into the safety of His fold.

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