In His Name Devotionals

A bumper-sticker read, “Love thy neighbor, paint thy house.” How does painting your own house show love to your neighbor? While the answer to that question is worthy of thoughtful consideration by every Christian, it is elders and preachers who, in this present generation, seem always ready and eager to “tell” us “how to” love others and live life, when, in far too many cases, their own personal affairs and duties are in question. Is it any wonder why we are no longer among the fastest growing churches? Is it any wonder why dissention is increasing?

Since so many of our elders and preachers are obviously unable to manage their own personal affairs and duties, how can they ever expect to help us manage ours? Regretfully, it appears that we have a generation of church leaders who do not understand the difference between “want” and “need.”

A few examples: Elders & preachers want more attendance. But what they need is more faith in God—Who has promised that He will bring forth the increase.

Elders, deacons & preachers want more contribution. But what they need is more belief in God—Who can do all things.

Preachers want to baptize more. But what they need is more Gospel preaching—like Paul, who put preaching Christ (the Gospel) first.

Elders want to pastor more and more by proxy. But what they need is more “hands on”—shepherding and protecting individually all the sheep in their flock.

The above problematic examples no doubt arise as a result elder and preacher (leadership) failure to “…paint thy house.”

Elder—shepherd the flock : Manage your own affairs and duties! Lead us by personal example—not by decisions from behind closed doors! Don’t tell us—show us! Paint your own house!

Preacher—preach the Gospel : Manage your own affairs and duties! Preach and teach us by personal example—not by clever words or professional oratory! Don’t tell us—show us! Paint your own house!

Are you an elder and/or preacher whose spiritual life and work still adheres to the old saying, “Do as I say, not as I do”? Are you painting your own house? Perhaps there is a need for our leaders to revisit Matthew 7:5, “Take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”

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