Biblical Essays
One thing that dominates the thinking of many Christians today is the drive for church growth. Several books have been written over the past few years in an effort to “enlighten” us on how to increase the numbers in our congregations. The books give insight into the social circumstances and felt-needs of the people around us and set forth methods of evangelism that promise to “bring in the big numbers.” They tell us that in order for congregations to grow we must have such things as: (1) a preacher who has a dynamic personality; one who is a “motivator,” (2) a dynamic, inspirational song leader, (3) a warm, tolerant, accepting, “no questions asked” environment, and so on.
No doubt, these so called “church growth experts” have spent many hours researching the attitudes and aims of the people around us, but a question arises: Where do these “experts” get the idea that we should seek the increase of the church? “The Bible,” you say. That’s right. So you mean that God gives us the obligation to seek the growth of His kingdom, but fails to instruct us in how that is to be accomplished? The truth is the only way to fulfill this duty is by the ways God has set out in His Word. So how do the findings of the “church growth experts” compare with God’s view of church growth?We are to be quality centered, not quantity centered. There’s certainly nothing wrong with a concern for the numerical growth of the church. However, the Bible teaches that our emphasis should center on quality, while God takes care of the quantity (1 Cor. 3:5-6). Paul and Apollos were merely ministers of the truth while God gave the numerical increase. They certainly didn’t stress the need to be “dynamic or inspirational motivators” in their ministries as our present “experts” stress. Rather, Paul taught the exact opposite. His preaching was not with excellence of speech or persuasive words of human wisdom (1 Cor. 2:1-4). That kind of method was a mark of the false teachers (Col. 2:4, 8, 23). The only way to truly increase quantitatively is to preach qualitatively.
We would do well to consider what God’s Word says concerning “church growth.” Instead of placing emphasis in the wisdom of men, we should let God “give the increase” (1 Cor. 3:6).