Mother"s Helper / Daddy"s Helper

Scripture Reading: Exodus 4:27 - 6:12

Moses and Aaron are now ready to go to Pharaoh with orders from God to let the Israelites leave Egypt.

Moses and Aaron brought together the elders of Israel. They told the Hebrews they had spoken with God and that God had heard the prayers of the Israelites. They rejoiced that God had seen their troubles and would deliver them from slavery.

Next, Moses went before Pharaoh and asked him to let the children of Israel leave Egypt to worship God. Pharaoh answered, “Who is Jehovah that I should hearken unto his voice to let Israel go? I know not Jehovah, and moreover I will not let Israel go.” Moses and Aaron said God had met with them and they asked again for permission to take three days journey into the wilderness to sacrifice to God lest they should be punished for not doing so. Pharaoh accused Moses of trying to release the people from their works and ordered Moses and Aaron to get back to their own burdens.

Pharaoh made a big mistake in not letting them go worship, and in opposing God’s way. He went even further by ordering the taskmasters to furnish no straw for the making of brick, but to require the same number of bricks. The Israelites carried their case to Pharaoh who again accused them of idleness, in wanting to travel into the wilderness to sacrifice to God.

The Israelites then accused Moses and Aaron of making their situation worse instead of better.

Moses went to God and said, “Lord, wherefore has thou dealt ill with this people? For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in thy name, he hath dealt ill with this people; neither has thou delivered thy people at all.”

Moses sought immediate relief for the Israelites’ troubles. He had not yet learned that God’s ways and plans differ from man’s plans.

God assured Moses that Pharaoh would let them go; in fact that he would actually drive them out of the land of Egypt. God gave Moses a message for Israel, that He had made promises to Abraham, Isaac, and to Jacob regarding the land of Canaan. He promised that descendants would inherit Canaan and God would be their God, and they would be His people. Moses delivered the message to the people, but they “hearkened not unto Moses for anguish of spirit and cruel bondage.” Both Israel and Pharaoh needed some convincing.

1. What work were Moses and Aaron ready to do?

2. What was their first job, and how did Israel receive the news?

3. How did Pharaoh react?

4. Before whom did Moses and Aaron appear next?

5. Of what were the Israelites accused?

6. What additional burden was placed on them?

7. What accusations were made toward Moses and Aaron?

8. To whom did Moses go for help?

9. What help or support did Moses receive?

10. How did the Israelites respond to this support?

Drawing to Color

Observations for Parents and Children
1. God cannot be rushed into completing His plans. He moves in his own time and way for the betterment of people.

2. Pharaoh made the biggest blunder of his life when he set out to defeat God’s plan. No one can oppose God and win.

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