We have sought to arrange this brief study as a ready reference work for the busy student, teacher or preacher who seeks help in preparation. By reading over the below lesson titles, various subjects and verses can readily be located.

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Chapter 1
Writers and Readers (v. 1)
The Trinity and Our Salvation (v. 2)
A Great Doxology (v. 3)
Our Great Inheritance (vv. 4, 5)
The Trial of Your Faith (vv. 6, 7)
We Love Him (vv. 8, 9)
Salvation and the Hebrew Bible Prophets (vv. 10-12)
Our Minds Alert (v. 13)
Children of Obedience (v. 14)
He Is Holy, Be Ye Holy (vv. 15, 16)
Since Ye Call on the Father, Live in Awe (v. 17)
Our Great Redemption (vv. 18, 19)
Christ Manifest for Us (vv. 20, 21)
Love the Brethren (v. 22)
The Life-Giving Word (vv. 23-25)

Chapter 2
Hindrances to Growth (vv. 1-3)
Christ the Living Stone (v. 4)
Christians as Living Stones (v. 5)
Hebrew Bible References to Christ as Stone (vv. 6-8)
Show Forth His Praises (vv. 9, 10)
Strangers and Pilgrims Abstain (vv. 11, 12)
The Christian and the Government (vv. 13-15)
As Free Yet Slaves (vv. 16, 17)
Exhortations to Household Slaves (vv. 18-20)
Christ Our Substitute and Example (vv. 21-23)
Our Great Substitute (vv. 24, 25)

Chapter 3
Exhortations to Wives (vv. 1-6)
Exhortations to Husbands (v. 7)
Exhortations to All (vv. 8, 9)
More Exhortations (vv. 10-12)
Suffering for Righteousness Sake (vv. 13, 14)
Sanctify Christ as Lord in Your Hearts (vv. 15-17)
Christ's Sufferings and Glory (vv. 18, 19)
God's Long-Suffering (v. 20)
Salvation and Baptism (vv. 21, 22)

Chapter 4
The Christian and Sin (vv. 1-4)
Give an Account (vv. 5, 6)
Exhortations in View of the End (vv. 7-9)
The Christian and Gifts (vv. 10, 11)
The Fiery Trial (vv. 12, 13)
Reproached for Christ's Sake (vv. 14-16)
Judgment on the House of God (vv. 17-19)

Chapter 5
Exhortations to Elders (vv. 1-4)
Subjection and Humility (vv. 5, 6)
He Cares for You (v. 7)
Watch Out for the Devil (vv. 8-11)
Concluding Remarks (vv. 12-14)

Bibliography of Suggested Reading

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